“To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Thank you so much for all of your prayers during our move and transition down to Mexico. We couldn’t have asked for a smoother, better, more blessed transition then what the Lord gave to us.  God was mindful of every little detail...whether it was loading up the moving truck, packing up our house, driving 1900 miles down to El Paso, getting vehicles permitted or crossing the border with 3 vehicles full our stuff without any problems...God was faithful in EVERY aspect.  We are still amazed at how wonderful He is.

I had a wonderful time driving down with my dad in the u-haul.  We spent 4 days talking, laughing, telling stories and moments of silence, just enjoying each others company.  It was one of those moments in life that you will never forget and a wonderful reminder of how much I love and appreciate my dad.

God has wonderfully blessed us with a beautiful red truck...for FREE.  We were able to register and permit it without any difficulties.  So, on Saturday, with 2 trucks and a 15 passenger van packed full with our stuff, we picked up 3 brothers, Chris, Bill and Tim, from Calvary Mountain View in Utah and headed to the border.  We were anticipating spending a long time there however, God had another plan.  When it was all said and down, we were there for maybe an hour, getting visas and paying our border taxes on our stuff.  The border can be very particular and meticulous with what they allow or don’t allow you to bring.  No problems for us.  It was wonderful to have 2 english speaking border workers who were excited to hear about the orphanage and a bit perplexed that we actually WANTED to move to mexico!  We arrived safely to our new home Saturday night and I must say it felt as if we hadn’t left at all.  Ayantu didn’t waste anytime finding her toys, running around and talking about how she love’s Mexico!

Church on Sunday was a blessing...so great to be back worshipping and studying the word with Calvary Chapel Bachiniva.  I was on usher duty and so I sat in the back with my wife Jackie. During the message, I looked over at my wife and noticed she was crying...I asked if she was okay and she said to me “it’s good to be home.”  I almost lost it as well, as we both just settled in to realizing, this IS our new home, and it feels so wonderful to be here!

Jackie and Antu have been busying unpacking our stuff and making our little place fell all the more like a cozy home.  I have been busy at the orphanage site as well as running errands for the work crew.  I can’t believe how BEAUTIFUL the orphanage looks.  As I walked through the halls, rooms, dining room, kitchen, bathrooms, it was incredibly emotional.  All that God has done and all that He continues to WANT to do in our midst.  I can’t wrap my mind around Him allowing me to be a part of this!

Chris, Bill and Tim are finishing up the septic tank system, and man, they are working fast.  God blessed us once again with a backhoe to dig the trenches...however, this time it was for free, from one of the Mennonite pastor's...who is letting us use if for the week.  It is extremely cold down here as a cold front is blowing through and yet work is still getting done and we are having a blast!

The internet is running very slow so I will post some pictures tomorrow morning.  I want to leave you all with a verse that we read last night.  The team is studying through the book of Philippians together....

“being confident of this very thing, that he who HAS begun a good work in you WILL complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:9).

Saints, the God who HAS...is the God who WILL...He is not done with you yet!


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